Smoking cessation consultation Medical orientation to quit smoking

The decision to give up smoking can be a difficult one to make. Quitting smoking scares all smokers, mainly for the fear of withdrawal symptoms that may occur. Who is a smoker that doesn't “love” smoking and would like to smoke 2 or 3 cigarettes a day, instead of stopping permanently, so the known harms of tobacco would not affect him/her?

Giving up smoking doesn't have to be too difficult and it can be a process free of stress, anxiety and weight increase, which is a common issue when smokers consider quitting.

Quitting smoking eliminates it's associated risks and promotes a quick incresase in quality of life, self-esteem and self-confidence. It increases your ability to exercise. Your personal appearance improves, the skin is brighter, the breath is more pleasant and the teeth get whiter.

The Smoking Cessation Consultation aims to evaluate and guide the smoker in order to be able to quit smoking without difficulty.

It has an approach to the smoker that consists of carrying out a rigorous initial assessment, after which counseling and information on available therapies are given, and an individual cessation plan is defined.

The initial assessment consists of:

- Clinical history, where smoking habits are characterized, tobacco-related diseases are evaluated, the existence of pathologies with possible interference with therapy is verified and problems with potential aggravation with avoidance are identified, namely obesity, depression, alcoholic and drug habits;

- Objective examination, with assessment of vital parameters, body mass index (BMI) and measurement of carbon monoxide (CO) content in expired air;

- Complementary diagnostic tests, to exclude tobacco-related pathology, such as neoplasms, COPD, among others;

- Carrying out specific tests:

(you may download the questionnaires by clicking on the desired one)

. Smoker profile

. Fagerström Test - Nicotine Dependence assement

. Richmnond Test - Motivation asessment

. HAD Scale - Anxiety and Depression assessment

The therapies available to quit smoking are diverse and may include pharmacological treatment, from nicotine substitutes to other products, which, not being nicotinic derivatives, have an overlapping form of action, as well as psychological treatment.

The definition of a therapeutic plan will always depend on the assessment and is specific to each smoker.


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2 - The published articles were produced by specialists based on the recommendations and guidelines of clinical practice of the European Association of Urology (EAU), at the date of the last review;

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