Retrograde ejaculation Sperm into the bladder

Retrograde ejaculation is characterized by the total or partial absence of ejaculate and its retrograde migration to the bladder.

The causes are multiple, namely, neurological (vertebromedular injury, multiple sclerosis, neuropathies, retroperitoneal lymphadenectomy, Diabetes, pelvic surgery, etc.), anatomical (associated with obstruction of the urethra), endocrinological (hypothyroidism, hypogonadism), pharmacological (antihypertensive, antidepressants, antipsychotics) or bladder neck incompetence (birth defects or prostate surgery).

Treatment is based on drugs that stimulate the closure of the internal urinary sphincter, such as sympathomimetic drugs.

Alternatively, there are techniques, such as ejaculating with a full bladder, that promote the outward flow of the ejaculate.


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